20th Anniversary Brunch Fundraiser: Celebrate 20 Years of Heart Work with us!

A Mentor’s Work of Heart: Being Seen at Beloved Arise

In the nurturing spaces of Beloved Arise, queer youth of faith find not just mentors but kindred spirits who guide them along intertwined paths of spiritual and personal identity. This unique mentoring program pairs young individuals with queer mentors of faith—those who have navigated similar journeys of reconciling their faith with their queer identity. It's a place where being seen goes beyond visibility to profound understanding and acceptance.

Drew Young, the Mentorship Director at Beloved Arise, captures the essence of their mission, noting, "It’s powerful seeing kids be matched with someone who knows exactly what they are going through." This connection is not just about shared experiences but about forging bonds that validate and celebrate each young person’s true self. At Beloved Arise, mentors are more than guides; they are mirrors reflecting the strength and potential inherent in each mentee.

Beloved Arise stands as a foundation of hope in celebrating affirmative theology—a belief system that wholeheartedly supports the coexistence of queer identity and faith without compromise. Beloved Arise's ethos is encapsulated by the affirmation that "Every young life deserves to belong, believe, and be loved." This message is a clarion call to action, a reminder that acceptance should never be piecemeal but whole and hearty.

At the heart of Beloved Arise’s impact is the transformation witnessed in their mentees. Through relationships built on empathy, respect, and shared spiritual values, mentees evolve from seeking acceptance to celebrating their identities. This evolution is critical in spaces where faith often intersects with cultural norms that may not recognize or affirm LGBTQ+ identities.

The program also empowers youth ambassadors to lead initiatives that enhance the lives of queer youth of faith. These ambassadors are not only mentees but also emerging leaders who design and spearhead projects that address the needs and uplift the spirits of their peers. They are living proof of the program’s success in cultivating agency and advocacy among its participants.

Beloved Arise is more than a mentoring program—it is a revolutionary community that disrupts the narrative of exclusion by crafting one of inclusion and empowerment. As the first national organization dedicated exclusively to empowering queer youth within the faith community, Beloved Arise is a vital sanctuary for those who often find themselves marginalized within their religious spaces.

This initiative does essential heart work, crafting a world where queer youth of faith are not only seen but celebrated. Drew Young and his team at Beloved Arise are not just mentoring; they are reshaping the future of faith communities to be more inclusive, understanding, and embracing of all identities. As they move forward, the ripple effects of their work promise to transform lives and faith communities across the nation, ensuring that acceptance is not just a scrap but a banquet at which every young person is honored and loved.

Amplifying Mentorship: Every Connection, a Work of Heart.

To learn more about Beloved Arise visit: Beloved Arise 


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